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The Best of Bookish Names!

Names are important. They help us understand the world and form a key part of our identities. Without them, everything would be frightfully confusing. In books, the names of characters and places are an integral part of the world building and help us to imagine the text-world more vividly.

This post is dedicated to the best of bookish names. Character names, location names and everything in-between. They’re mainly going to be fantasy names because they’re the most interesting (and I mostly read fantasy).

Character Names:

Here are some character names that stand out to me and why:

Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (Throne of Glass): Her name sounds very long , regal and flamboyant and I think it matches her character. Also, I heard that aag means ‘fire’ in Hindi and her initials spell out A.A.G which is clever because she has fire magic.

[Spoiler ahead] Also, I do know that it is technically Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius (which I love even more) but I wanted to avoid spoilers! [End of spoiler]

Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows): I like the alliteration of the hard, sharp ‘k’ sound because it definitely mirrors his flinty personality.

Chaol Westfall (Throne of Glass): I know this post is dedicated to the best of bookish names but I’ll make an exception for a name that I don’t like. Chaol is such a ridiculous name that I didn’t even know how to pronounce properly until I read the pronunciation guide! It’s supposed to be ‘kay-oll’ but it could easily be ‘chay-ol‘ or ‘chaa-oll’ for all I know. I actually have a friend who is adamant in calling him ‘chole’. Furthermore, ‘kay-oll’ just sounds like a vegetable.

Bleak (Heart of Mist): It’s a rather miserable name and that’s why I’ve included it.

Delilah Bard – nicknamed ‘Lila’ (A Darker Shade of Magic): I like the way ‘Delilah Bard’ nicely rolls off of the tongue. Delilah also seems like a deceptively innocent name for someone as intrepid as she is.

Kell (A Darker Shade of Magic): I like the story behind his name. According to the book, he was found as a young child with a dagger inscribed with the initials ‘K.L.’. No one knew what these letters stood for so they just merged them together and named him ‘Kell’.

Esha (The Tiger at Midnight): It’s a very beautiful name!

Lazlo Strange (Strange the Dreamer): Lazlo Strange is so quirky and different that I had to mention it!

Sarai (Strange the Dreamer): It’s a rather lyrical name and it suits her whimsical and gentle character.

Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thráin, son of Thrór (The Hobbit): It sounds very fancy and regal and I like the way his full name tells a story of his past experiences and his ancestors.

Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit): Bilbo Baggins is a very quaint name, reminiscent of the rolling hills of the Shire. I love it!

Meadow Sircha (A Shifting of Stars): Meadow is also a lovely, cosy name.

Hesina (Descendent of the Crane): I find this name very pretty.

Zafira (We Hunt the Flame): It sounds very pretty and apparently means ‘victor’ or ‘triumphant’.

Avalkyra Ashfire (Crown of Feathers): It’s a super cool, fierce warrior name!

Greening Grandemalion – nicknamed ‘Po’ (Graceling): This is the funniest, most random name I have ever seen. It’s even more hilarious that ‘Greening Grandemalion’ inexplicably shortens to ‘Po’.

Lemon Fresh (LIFEL1K3): It’s a very unusual name but it chimes with her fabulosity!

Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle): It’s such an awesome and mysterious name!

Location names:

These are some of my favourite location names with one adjective that I would associate with it!

  • Velaris (A Court of Thorns and Roses): glamorous
  • Terrasen (Throne of Glass): verdant
  • Lothlórien (The Lord of the Rings): majestic
  • Mordor (The Lord of the Rings): intimidating
  • Arawiya (We Hunt the Flame): illustrious
  • Weep (Strange the Dreamer): despondent
  • Zosma (Strange the Dreamer): resplendent
  • Elfhame (The Cruel Prince): whimsical

So these are my favourite bookish names! What are yours? Let me know in the comments!