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Monthly Wrap-Up | February 2019

Hello everyone! Today, I’ll be doing a monthly wrap up for February. This has been a really good month for books and I’ve read and reviewed loads of really good ones!

Books I’ve Read:

The City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty:

4 stars

I liked this book but not as much as I thought I would because it was really long and dense. The characters were also a bit annoying.

The Martian by Andy Weir:

5 Stars

I loved The Martian! I would never, ever want to be stuck on Mars because it sounds TERRIFYING but the story was really engaging, exciting and funny and I really enjoyed it.

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo:

5 Stars

King of Scars was amazing and it was a joy reading about Nina, Nikolai and Zoya again. I’m so excited for the next book to come out! Also, after reading it I realised that I really need to reread the Shadow and Bone trilogy and Six of Crows. Sometime soon, I’m going to write a super long gushing review for this book so watch out for it!

eARCs I’ve Read:

the mermaid’s voice returns in this one by Amanda Lovelace:

3 stars

I liked the message this book gave but I really didn’t like the writing style- it just didn’t agree with me.

Descendant of the Crane by Joan He:

5 stars

Descendant of the Crane was amazing! The plot twists, the characters, the writing- everything was just mind-blowingly good. I really hope the author writes a second book.

Whispers from the Depths by C. W. Briar:

4 stars

I liked this book because it felt like a cinematic experience while I was reading it. The characters were trapped in a house with evil water spirits trying to kill them and tension was built up so skilfully.

Beware the Night by Jessika Fleck:

3 stars

This book was pretty average because I felt like I’ve seen it all before. It wasn’t bad but I had loads of Red Queen and The Hunger Games vibes whilst reading it.

Books I’ve Reviewed:

This month, I’ve reviewed SO MANY good books. As you can see, they were all 5 or 4 stars. Generally, I tend to rate books highly because I’m really picky with what I read and I tend to read things that I know I will like- it’s not always a good thing but I do try to challenge myself occasionally.

My favourite post of the month:

My post about the link between slavery and Valentine’s day because it’s a really major issue that not many people seem to know about and I wanted to raise awareness about it. (Read it here: Roses: Symbols of Romance or of Suffering)

That’s my February in books all wrapped-up! How was your February? Let me know in the comments and if you’ve done a wrap-up feel free to link it- I’d love to read them!

4 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap-Up | February 2019

  1. You’re awesome for reading so many books AND for writing so many reviews!! I also loved The Martian when I read it, plus thought the movie did a really great job. I’ve been hearing such great things about Strange the Dreamer, definitely wanting to read that one soon!

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